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Sunday, October 17, 2010

DIY2 - long jeans short

I actually planned to destroy my black jeans (as stated in my previous post) but my mum reminded me that I still need it for praticum. So I found another jeans in my wardrobe which i think i bought in 2006 and it is still brand new. i forgot all about it hahaha. my mum said this jeans is quite costly but i snipped it off anyway. it's more worth it to snip it off cause i will now wear it!

This is also inspired by a tumblr pic but blah. it's a world of a difference hahaha. heck it's still nice, no?



If you're wondering what i did with the legs of the jeans, I'm making a tote bag! It's enough for 2 tote bags actually. I'm halfway done with one.. i'll post it up when i'm done with the second one.
P.s i'll be selling the second one!

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