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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

wednesday night rant

I don't understand why when I complain something to someone, hoping to get a little comfort, that someone says something like "same for me but (a similar situation worst than me)". So not only did I kind of get ignored, I end up comforting the person... What I don't understand is why do people like to, somehow, show off their misery?
1) What's so gd about having so much misery?
2) I started the complaint because I already can't keep it bottled up inside so I share. Don't you find the person a little too self-centered to just change the topic to him/herself?

Today was such a bad day... Really don't want to go for 8 hours of school tmr but I have to because of all the group work which have to be done during tutorials. Thankfully it's elearning next week but still... it's just another week home alone. I want to feel wanted by people. 'Best of both worlds'? I feel like I'm stuck in between the worst of both worlds, it's either this or that.

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